UN Security Council adopted the resolution 2370 on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons

On 2 August 2017 the UN Security Council adopted the resolution 2370 (2017) on Preventing Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons to address the persistent threat of production, storage, transfer, obtaining or use of weapons by terrorist groups.
The resolution aims at further enhancing the effectiveness of instruments relating to disarmament and arms control implemented at the national, regional and international levels to curb the illicit flows of small arms and light weapons and explosive elements for manufacture of improvised explosive devices.
The adoption was followed by a thematic briefing of the Security Council to discuss present and emerging threats, trends and developments relating to this topic in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions, in particular 1373 (2001), 2195 (2014) and 2220 (2015), as well as to identify gaps in Member States’ efforts to implement measures to eliminate the supply of weapons to terrorists.
In its statement the delegation of Ukraine called for strengthening export and border controls, in particular regulations on transfers of weapons and other sensitive military equipment or materials, as well as for bolstering law enforcement and intelligence cooperation of states.
It draw the attention of the international community to continuing breaches of international law by the Russian Federation, which is flooding the occupied territories in the east of Ukraine with all kinds of weapon systems, with full knowledge that they can be used for conducting terrorist attacks, in particular the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.
In this respect, Ukrainian delegation emphasized the need to uphild the obligations reaffirmed in the adopted resolution on eliminating the support of terrorists as well as the importance of bringing to justice those who engage in providing terrorists with weapons, funds and other types of assets.