Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC open debate on UN peacekeeping operations and sustaining peace

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC open debate on UN peacekeeping operations and sustaining peace

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Mr. President,

I would like to thank Egypt for bringing a very important issue of the UN peacekeeping activities to the forefront of discussion in the Council. The interest of the wider UN membership in today’s debate is a testament to the importance and the relevance of this subject.

Ukraine aligns itself with the statement to be delivered by the EU. In my national capacity, I would like to add the following.

It is obvious that peacekeeping in its current term faces challenges that were not there a decade ago, not to mention the days when a concept of peacekeeping was in its inception. Nevertheless, the UN peace operations have proved to be a highly adaptive instrument contributing much to the resolution of numerous conflicts.

The Council and the Assembly in recent years have thoroughly considered and passed several important decisions on the UN activities in upholding and sustaining peace. Simultaneous resolutions on sustaining peace have become a significant step forward in implementation of a conflict prevention approach. HIPPO conclusions and recommendations made us take a fresh look at the PKO’s nature and challenges.

In today’s highly volatile world there is a lot of demand for more engagement of the UN in the area of peace and security. Sustainable de-escalation and progress in peaceful settlement and peacebuilding in most cases require a robust international security presence.

We fully recognize critical importance of peacebuilding architecture in finding effective ways to support countries emerging from conflict. To be successful in this endeavor the UN’s approach must be based on coherence among political, security and development pillars. Enabling countries to put in place effective and inclusive national mechanisms and institutions that can address socio-economic and political root causes of conflict must become a priority for the UN system.

These include issues related to promotion and protection of human rights and ensuring an active role of women at all stages of peace consolidation. Having human rights-related tasks as a part of PKO mandates as well as human rights components in peace operations is also essential for achieving a preventive impact, thus contributing to de-escalation and diminishing prospects for conflict reemergence.

When we consider transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding activities the following elements are equally important.

First, national ownership is an indispensable condition for the establishment of both effective and efficient core State capacities, leading to a more stable and viable State. The purpose of institution-building is to reduce the dependence of post-conflict governments on the international community and to promote self-reliance. Yet the fact that many post-conflict countries relapse into violence leaves no doubt about the need for extreme prudence in planning the transition of responsibilities from the international community to national authorities, especially in the security sector.

Second, consensus between domestic and international stakeholders on a broad peacebuilding agenda is important for the success of institution-building and peacebuilding endeavor as a whole. If there is a lack of understanding on either side, there will be little tangible progress in securing a lasting peace.

Third, given the crucial significance of postconflict institution-building to the success of the overall peacebuilding efforts, my delegation supports the approach of integrating the institution building perspective, tailored to each country and situation, into the mandates of respective United Nations missions from their early stages.

Fourth, we believe in the transformative power of relevant regional and subregional organizations in connection with peacebuilding. Over the past decade, the role of the African Union in promoting peace and sustainable development among African States has increased exponentially. The African Union has demonstrated its ability to take the lead in effective resolution of conflicts, and its views and policies on this matter are of particular value for the UN.

Finally, the Peacebuilding Commission is ideally placed to bring together external State and non-State actors with the aim of securing the creation of credible, legitimate, accountable and resilient institutions in countries emerging from conflict.

Therefore, the PBC should play a leading role in enabling the United Nations system to establish an integrated approach to institution-building. As an advisory body, the Commission has a crucial convening role to bridge security, development and human rights engagements. The Council should consider it a viable tool at its disposal when situations are no longer in a “crisis” stage but still considered fragile and deserving a more dedicated, targeted and sustained attention.

This relates also to consideration of peacebuilding-related mandates of peacekeeping and special political missions, as well as during debates on possible draw-down and termination of missions.

For instance, the idea of inviting representatives of the PBC country-specific configurations to take part in Council’s respective field visits deserves thorough consideration. Such a practice could contribute to better coordination of the work done in New York and activities in the field.

I thank you, Mr. President.