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Comment of the MFA of Ukraine on the OHCHR thematic report "Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)"

Comment of the MFA of Ukraine on the OHCHR thematic report "Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)"

We expect that the international community will continue the systematic pressure on the Russian Federation with the aim to end the violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the illegally occupied Crimea as well as to achieve the de-occupation of the peninsula.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine in response to the statement by the delegation of Russia at the UNGA general debate

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine in response to the statement by the delegation of Russia at the UNGA general debate

As an occupying power and side to the conflict in Ukraine, Russia has neither legal nor moral right to pronounce itself on Ukraine.

Statement by HE Mr. Pavlo Klimkin, Minister for Foreign Affairs Ukraine, at the UNSC Ministerial meeting on the Non-Proliferation of WMD

Statement by HE Mr. Pavlo Klimkin, Minister for Foreign Affairs Ukraine, at the UNSC Ministerial meeting on the Non-Proliferation of WMD

The ultimate responsibility of the Security Council is to prove that non-proliferation system effectively works.

President’s statement at the high-level open debate of the UN Security Council on the Reform of the UN Peacekeeping: Implementation and Follow-up

President’s statement at the high-level open debate of the UN Security Council on the Reform of the UN Peacekeeping: Implementation and Follow-up

Deployment of a UN peacekeeping operation should restore justice, rather than freeze the conflict and cement the occupation.

Statement by the President of Ukraine during the General Debate of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly

Statement by the President of Ukraine during the General Debate of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly

Ukraine has always advocated the need to reform the United Nations to meet the most urgent global challenges timely and adequately.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on the situation in the Lake Chad Basin region

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on the situation in the Lake Chad Basin region

Lake Chad Basin region continues to endure a dire humanitarian and security situation.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the briefing of the Security Council on cooperation between the United Nations and African Union

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the briefing of the Security Council on cooperation between the United Nations and African Union

The African Union has demonstrated its ability to take lead in prevention and resolution of conflicts. The UN should continue to serve as AU’s indispensable partner.

Explanation of vote by the delegation of Ukraine following adoption of new sanctions on North Korea

Explanation of vote by the delegation of Ukraine following adoption of new sanctions on North Korea

North Korea’s advancing nuclear and ballistic missile programs still remains the most significant proliferation challenge

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine during the discussions of candidate states’ visions for membership in the UN Human Rights Council

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine during the discussions of candidate states’ visions for membership in the UN Human Rights Council

Ukraine strictly adheres to its international obligations and commitments under international law in the field of human rights.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at an informal interactive dialogue of the General Assembly on the Responsibility to Protect

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at an informal interactive dialogue of the General Assembly on the Responsibility to Protect

We believe that while abolishment of veto right is a far-reaching objective, all members of the Security Council, have to voluntarily pledge not to vote against resolutions in cases of crimes against humanity.