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Ukraine supports the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the International Criminal Court

Ukraine supports the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the International Criminal Court

On May 13th, at the meeting of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, the Assembly adopted the annual resolution “Report on the International Criminal Court (ICC)”, co-authored by 79 countries including Ukraine.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the General Assembly Seventieth session on Report of the International Criminal Court

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the General Assembly Seventieth session on Report of the International Criminal Court

Ukraine co-sponsored today’s Resolution on the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which we consider as one of the most important human rights advancements of the last century.

Ukraine endorsed the Kigali Principles on the Protection of Civilians in UN PKO

Ukraine endorsed the Kigali Principles on the Protection of Civilians in UN PKO

On May 11th, Ukraine along with other contributing countries to UN peacekeeping operations (PKO) endorsed the Kigali Principles — a document that aims to ensure the recognition of the central role of the protection of civilians during the execution of UN peacekeeping operations.

Ukrainian delegation takes part in the plenary session of the UN Forum on Indigenous Issues

Ukrainian delegation takes part in the plenary session of the UN Forum on Indigenous Issues

On May 12th, the Ukrainian delegation spoke at the plenary session of the UN Forum of Indigenous Issues.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the High-level Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the United Nations, Peace and Security

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the High-level Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the United Nations, Peace and Security

The General Assembly held a high-level thematic debate on the United Nations, peace and security.

Ukraine calls on the UN to develop a counter-terrorism strategy

Ukraine calls on the UN to develop a counter-terrorism strategy

The above-mentioned statement was stated by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Volodymyr Yelchenko on May 11th, during the open debate of the UN Security Council, titled “Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts: Countering the narratives and ideologies of terrorism.”

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC open debate on Countering The Narratives And Ideologies Of Terrorism

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC open debate on Countering The Narratives And Ideologies Of Terrorism

The UN Security Council debated on the ways to counter narratives and ideologies of terrorism.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC debate on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC debate on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The UN Security Council debated on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine in the UNSC emergency meeting on Aleppo (Syria)

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine in the UNSC emergency meeting on Aleppo (Syria)

The UN Security Council had a briefing on the escalation of violence in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the Joint Briefing by the Chairs of the Counter-Terrorism-Related Committees

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the Joint Briefing by the Chairs of the Counter-Terrorism-Related Committees

The UN Security Council held a Joint Briefing by the Chairs of the Counter-Terrorism-Related Committees (1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh)/Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee and 1540 Committee on WMD non-proliferation).