Виступ директора Департаменту міжнародної безпеки МЗС України С.Шутенка на загальних дебатах Першого комітету ГА ООН
![Виступ директора Департаменту міжнародної безпеки МЗС України С.Шутенка на загальних дебатах Першого комітету ГА ООН](/pub/news/f99ed74f16303371.jpg)
Mr. Chair,
On behalf of the delegation of Ukraine, allow me to congratulate you,
Mr. Chair, and other members of the Bureau on your election. I am looking forward to a constructive and result-oriented dialogue during 2017 First Committee session.
While aligning with the statement of the European Union delivered earlier I would like to make the following remarks in my national capacity.
Ukraine consistently supports a multilateral approach to disarmament and international security agenda. We recognize the difficulties in the implementation of the existing international treaties and in bringing others into force. Nevertheless, my country remains fully committed to maintaining and further strengthening the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime.
We share the view that the use of nuclear weapons is the most serious threat ever faced by humankind. For many years, Ukraine has been consistent in its call for fostering the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and step up efforts in nuclear disarmament.
My country has demonstrated a proactive approach by abandoning its nuclear capabilities and acceding to the NPT as a non-nuclear state. Furthermore, we removed all our stocks of highly enriched uranium and refused to use this dangerous (dual use) material.
Ukraine continues to render a full support to effective implementation and universalization of NPT as a fundamental element of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime.
Regrettably, the credibility and efficiency of some of the key pillars of the NPT have been seriously undermined. Let me recall that the historic decision of Ukraine to renounce its nuclear weapons was largely based on the clear international security assurances provided in writing in 1994, in particular in the Budapest Memorandum signed by Ukraine, the US, the UK and Russia. The validity of this document becomes even more vital in an era of the evolving proliferation threats as well as efforts to quell security concerns of states seeking nuclear deterrent capabilities.
Brutal violation of the international obligations, including under the Budapest Memorandum, by the nuclear-weapon state, has undermined the whole UN-based security system. One can also recall in this regard the obligation of nuclear states contained in 2010 NPT Review Conference Final Document “to fully respect their existing commitments with regard to security assurances”.
Another appalling case of full ignorance of international law and an immense threat to global security is the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Despite numerous decisions of the UN Security Council, the DPRK continues its highly provocative activity. Ukraine urges to undertake in-depth investigation into the development of the North Korean nuclear and missile programs, in order to expose any possible foreign assistance to Pyongyang in this area.
Furthermore, the Chemical Weapons Convention for the first time in many years is blatantly trampled in Syria.
The full implementation and strengthening of the WMD non-proliferation regime should remain a key priority on the global agenda. A possible use of weapons of mass destruction, including by terrorists, is a clear and ever present danger. We believe that proper fulfillment of the recommendations of 2016 Comprehensive Review of implementation of resolution 1540 will significantly improve the instruments to reduce this threat.
I’d like to mention that in November this year, in Kyiv, the International Workshop on «Promoting the effective implementation of resolution 1540 in the context of evolving proliferation risks and challenges» will be held in cooperation with UNODA and the OSCE.
Mr. Chair,
Addressing the enormous destructive power of conventional armaments continues to be of the utmost importance for the international community especially in the context of regional security. Today we must tackle the issue of illicit transfer, accumulation and misuse of conventional arms with the highest level of responsibility.
The Russian military aggression against Ukraine with the use of regular military forces armed with modern types of weapons has significantly damaged the existing system of conventional arms control. Russia continues illegal transfers of military goods to our territory, both to Crimea and the Eastern parts of Ukraine, thus deliberately destabilizing not only sub-regional but the entire European security and totally ignoring persistent calls of the international community to re-establish effective border control.
The UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons as well as the International Tracing Instrument remain amongst the most important and universal tools to combat this threat.
We also recognize the crucial role of Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and Mine Ban Treaty, in particular, in addressing post-conflict remedial measures to minimize the occurrence, risk and effects of these types of weapons.
Mr. Chair,
For several years my country has been experiencing tragic humanitarian consequences of the foreign military aggression. As of todaythe number of severe casualties among civilians, including children is drastically growing.
Explosive remnants of war as well as antipersonnel mines, which have indiscriminate effect, are planted by illegal armed groups of Russian proxies in the residential areas and routes of communication between them in violation of the relevant Conventions.
Despite significant security challenges caused by the “hybrid” war waged against my country, Ukraine spares no effort in ensuring proper and faithful compliance with its obligations under the mentioned treaties. At the same time, full implementation of the CCW and the Mine Ban Treaty requires, inter alia, consolidated and constructive international cooperation and assistance, rather than pure pressure to abide by the fixed timelines, without taking into account the seriousness and gravity of the situation on the ground.
Mr. Chair,
Erosion of the existing world order, continuous breaches and unaddressed violations of international law along with ongoing conflicts in different parts of the globe continue to weaken global security architecture as a whole. It is crucial to find practical ways to ensure that the international legal norms related to non-proliferation and arms control do not remain on paper but also properly enforced and fully respected. The international community should act united and decisively in preventing any attempts and countering every action to endanger the relevant international instruments through either aggressive policy, violation of State’s sovereignty and territorial integrity or through blocking important decisions to be adopted by the UN or its bodies.
I thank you.