Коментар Постійного представника України при ООН В.Ю.Єльченка щодо проекту нової резолюції стосовно КНДР
![Коментар Постійного представника України при ООН В.Ю.Єльченка щодо проекту нової резолюції стосовно КНДР](/pub/news/4146395d072e58c1.jpg)
Коментар Постійного представника України при ООН В.Ю.Єльченка щодо проекту нової резолюції стосовно КНДР
(2 березня 2016 р.)
Let me begin by warmly congratulating you on the assumption of Presidency for this month and also by expressing our deep appreciation to Ambassador Ramirez for his leadership during the month of February.
At the outset I would like to commend the efforts of both the United States and China in drafting and putting on the table the text of the resolution in response to the DPRK’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch. We appreciate the conducting of the expert-level meetings on 25 and 26 February by the US delegation, so that each Council member had an opportunity to raise any question related to the resolution and its annexes.
We consider the resolution just adopted as a comprehensive and balanced document, which, on the one hand, strengthens the already existing regime and reinforces it with additional sectoral and targeted sanctions, and, on the other, — clearly demonstrates the Council’s openness to dialogue on peaceful and diplomatic solution to the situation. Such an approach fully corresponds to the Council intention to avoid both affecting the humanitarian situation in the North Korea and aggravating tensions on the Peninsula.
Moreover, the document reflects the findings contained in the Reports of the Panel of Experts, established pursuant to resolution 1874, which, in our opinion, only strengthen the rationale behind new sanctions.
Ukraine has always been committed to effective multilateral action against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Our collective decision today represents a historic step, which clearly demonstrates Council’s consolidated and firm stance to respond decisively and eradicate any threat to the global non-proliferation regime.
Ukraine is honored to co-sponsor this resolution, which, as we all hope, will become one of the defining documents in putting an end to DPRK’s illegal activities — in defiance of every international law principle.
Thank you.