Виступ делегації України на засіданні Третього комітету ГА ООН щодо соціального розвитку
![Виступ делегації України на засіданні Третього комітету ГА ООН щодо соціального розвитку](/pub/news/023ad42db00d1ad1.jpg)
Mr. Chair,
Ukraine aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union, and I would like to make a number of comments in national capacity.
Since this is the first time the Ukrainian delegation takes the floor in this year’s Third Committee, I would like to congratulate you, Excellency, on your election as the Chair of the Third Committee and assure you of our full support.
Mr. Chair,
My country is delivering on its commitments under the 2030 Agenda, which underlines the importance of social development as one of the three pillars of sustainable development.
Ukraine is demonstrating one of the best growth dynamics among the emerging markets. For 11 consecutive quarters in Ukraine, the gross domestic product has been growing. The GDP increase was helped by macroeconomic stabilization, improved investment climate and clean-up of the banking sector.
Moreover, I would like to stress that, despite heavy security and defense expenses, incurred as a result of the foreign aggression against my country, Ukraine is undergoing fundamental transformations on social and economic tracks.
We have consistently implemented progressive reforms — ranging from pension, education, healthcare, public administration reforms to carrying out decentralization and fighting corruption. The National Poverty Reduction Strategy, adopted in 2016, aims to protect the most vulnerable people in the country and reduce social exclusion.
Implementation of reforms contributed to the improved well-being of population and poverty reduction.
The Government of Ukraine is committed to strengthening the potential of young people, as well as creating a level playing field for them. To achieve this goal, the educational reform was launched in 2017 with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. This reform envisages a systemic transformation of Ukraine’s education sector into an innovative environment, in which students develop skills to independently acquire and apply knowledge to real world situations.
Ukraine continues strengthening the national mechanism for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men. This year the Government of Ukraine approved the National Action Plan for fulfillment of CEDAW recommendations, as well as, the State Social Program on Equal Rights and Opportunities of Women and Men for the Period up to 2021.
Mr. Chair,
According to the UN estimates, some 3.4 million people from the Donbas region today require humanitarian assistance and protection due to the Russian aggression against my country. With 1.5 million registered internally displaced persons (IDPs), since 2014, the Ukrainian State has increased by more than 6 times budgetary allocations for monthly cash payouts to the mentioned people. The Government of Ukraine also adopted the Strategy of integration and durable solutions for internally displaced persons until 2020, which outlines measures aimed at improving the quality of life of IDPs through enhancement of their capacities, increased access to more affordable and sustainable housing, ensuring their right to education and medical services. The document also seeks to stimulate economic activities, build social cohesion and strengthen the capacity of host communities during IDPs integration.
To conclude, Mr. Chair, I would like to reiterate that we would succeed in promoting social development only through peace, upholding human rights and safeguarding the dignity of the most vulnerable.
Thank you.