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Ukraine is deeply concerned about the significant escalation of the situation in Idlib

Ukraine is deeply concerned about the significant escalation of the situation in Idlib

We express our sincere condolences to Turkey which lost its military personnel.

Foreign Ministry comment on the Declaration by Law-of-the-Sea Tribunal Its Jurisdiction Over Ukraine’s Case Against The Russian Federation

Foreign Ministry comment on the Declaration by Law-of-the-Sea Tribunal Its Jurisdiction Over Ukraine’s Case Against The Russian Federation

The Tribunal rejected Russia’s position that it lacks jurisdiction over Ukraine’s case and determined that it would hear significant aspects of Ukraine’s claims, including those related to Russia’s violations of UNCLOS in the Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov.

Remarks by Mr. Yuri Vitrenko, Chargé d’affaires of Ukraine, at the informal consultations on the declaration on the “Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations”

Remarks by Mr. Yuri Vitrenko, Chargé d’affaires of Ukraine, at the informal consultations on the declaration on the “Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations”

Despite all the criticism and negative assessments of the UN functioning in the sphere of peace and security, currently there is no alternative to the UN in terms of safeguarding international peace and security.

Statement by Mr. Vadym Prystaiko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, at the UN General Assembly plenary meeting on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

Statement by Mr. Vadym Prystaiko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, at the UN General Assembly plenary meeting on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

Even though Kremlin remains blind and deaf to the appeals and decisions of the international community, I am absolutely convinced that international unity and solidarity, respect and promotion of human rights is the only way to stop Moscow aggression against my country and eventually lead to de-occupation of the parts of the territory of Ukraine.

Vadym Prystaiko met in New York with permanent representatives of Ukraine’s partner states

Vadym Prystaiko met in New York with permanent representatives of Ukraine’s partner states

The head of the Ukrainian diplomatic service informed participants of the meeting, among other things, about the state of implementation of agreements reached at the Normandy Four Summit in Paris on 9 December 2019.

Ukraine repatriates from the US “An Amorous Couple” painting by Pierre Louis Goudreaux

Ukraine repatriates from the US “An Amorous Couple” painting by Pierre Louis Goudreaux

The painting had been stolen by Nazi during the WWII from the Khanenko Family National Museum in Kyiv and then discovered in the US.

Statement by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsya at the United Nations Security Council briefing on Ukraine

Statement by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsya at the United Nations Security Council briefing on Ukraine

As it has happened before, Russia tries to present the victim of its aggression as a perpetrator, which is one of the hallmarks of its information war against Ukraine.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC Ministerial-level Open Debate “Transitional justice: a building block towards sustaining peace”

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC Ministerial-level Open Debate “Transitional justice: a building block towards sustaining peace”

Transitional justice gained special importance for Ukraine amid the ongoing foreign aggression – almost 6 years of unprecedented for the postwar Europe violations of the basic norms and principles of international war and order.

Statement by H. E. Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsya, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, at the UN Security Council Open Debate

Statement by H. E. Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsya, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, at the UN Security Council Open Debate

Whatever and whoever says or writes in grand words to suit political considerations, the temporary occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea remains the most flagrant violation of the UN Charter of our time and it will remain so in the books of history.

Statement by Ms. Oksana Koliada, Minister of Veterans Affairs, Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, at the UN General Assembly meeting

Statement by Ms. Oksana Koliada, Minister of Veterans Affairs, Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, at the UN General Assembly meeting

For 2075 days, Ukraine has been suffering from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. 13K+ people died, including 3345 civilians, 172 children and 298 foreign citizens, passengers of MH17, shot down from the Russian Buk anti-aircraft artillery missile.