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Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA First Committee Thematic Debate on Nuclear Weapons

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA First Committee Thematic Debate on Nuclear Weapons

Today’s debate is yet another opportunity to highlight the crucial importance of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in the international nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA Second Committee meeting on the information and communications technologies for sustainable development

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA Second Committee meeting on the information and communications technologies for sustainable development

Ukraine is interested in attracting investments and advanced innovations to implement joint projects in the field of the development of the digital economy.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine before the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly on Questions Relating to Information

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine before the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly on Questions Relating to Information

Ukraine is deeply concerned over the deteriorating situation with the freedom of expression in the occupied Crimea and Donbas.

Intervention by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA Third Committee meeting

Intervention by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA Third Committee meeting

The Russian Federation encourages transfer of its own population to the Crimean peninsula, which is a direct violation of the Geneva Conventions and a clear sign of the attempt to change the demographic structure of Crimea.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA First Committee general debate

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA First Committee general debate

We see how the Black Sea area is gradually turned by Russia to a military playground with occupied Crimea converted to a heavily militarized fortress.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC Arria-formula meeting on advancing the safety and security of persons belonging to religious minorities in armed conflict

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC Arria-formula meeting on advancing the safety and security of persons belonging to religious minorities in armed conflict

Russian occupying authorities in some parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine mounted a broad campaign against Ukrainians on the ground of their religion or beliefs.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA plenary meeting after action on Draft Resolution A/73/L.103 “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Collective Security Treaty Organization”

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA plenary meeting after action on Draft Resolution A/73/L.103 “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Collective Security Treaty Organization”

Nowadays the CSTO has become one of the Russian Federation’s visible forays down the path of regional hegemony and as a vehicle for gaining influence among its neighbors.

Statement by Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, at the UNSC briefing on Ukraine

Statement by Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, at the UNSC briefing on Ukraine

A country that for centuries suppressed the Ukrainian language and forcefully replaced it with the Russian in all spheres of public life is not in a position to tell us now what language we should speak and write.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA High-level Plenary Meeting to Mark the 25th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA High-level Plenary Meeting to Mark the 25th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development

Ukraine, together with UNFPA, is actively implementing projects for promoting gender equality, information, and services to gender-based violence survivors, combating gender stereotypes in society as well as creating conditions in which every young person can fulfill the potential.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the 29th meeting of States Parties to the UNCLOS

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the 29th meeting of States Parties to the UNCLOS

The Russian Federation has to be stopped from violating the Convention, it has to respect Ukraine’s sovereign rights in its own waters, to cease all unlawful activities, including the theft of Ukraine’s natural resources, in particular hydrocarbon resources, and to pay respective compensation, among other relief.